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We own eight casino resorts in Nevada including the iconic Las Vegas landmark, The STRAT.
There’s one thing you can always expect to find – authentic entertainment at an exceptional value.
Explore our goldencrowncasino locations below.
It’s more than a hotel and casino. It’s home to one of the most iconic landmarks on the Strip located in the heart of Vegas action.
Edgewater Casino Resort is located right on the Colorado River, offering spectacular views, dining, live entertainment, bingo and plenty of gaming options.
Your business is our business. Your success is our success.
We’re prepared to help you at any level, from impartial advice or practical assistance. We want to help you make the most of every opportunity.
Meet Our Founder
Dr. Marcia Morgan Parker is the founder and Chief Clinical Consultant of Morgan Parker Consulting. She has almost 40 years of nursing experience and has been consulting for 16 years.

Dr. Morgan Parker has held leadership positions with community-based programs, nursing homes, home care and home health agencies, care management programs, Medicaid Health Homes, and Medicare in-home transition of care programs. Dr. Morgan Parker has experience with international nurse recruitment and has developed community-based programs in China and the Caribbean. In 2017, she served as a Train-the-Trainer (TTT) for the New York State Department of Health and KPMG Medicaid Accelerated eXchange (MAX) Series, a program to transform healthcare by reducing 30-day readmission rates and emergency department visits in high-risk populations. Dr. Morgan Parker was part of the New York State Department of Health’s 5-year Delivery System Reform Incentive Program (DSRIP) program, where she developed a community health worker training for asthma reduction. She has served as a preceptor for graduate students from Walden University, Grand Canyon, and Chamberlain University.
Dr. Morgan Parker completed her Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), specializing in healthcare systems leadership from Chamberlain University, Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) in nursing informatics from Walden University, and a Diploma in Nursing from the University Hospital of the West Indies. For her doctoral research, Dr. Morgan Parker studied the collaboration between Registered Nurses and Community Health Workers in performing home visits to reduce 30-day hospital readmission rates and unplanned emergency department visits.
At Morgan Parker Consulting, we are passionate about quality care. Let us help you succeed!
Our Services
We believe in making your dreams and goals a reality and our
consultant experts know just how to do that.
Do you need a Business Start-Up, Senior Care Advisor, Preceptor or a Mentor?
Business Start-Up, Senior Care Advisor, Preceptor and a Mentor
Downloadable Forms, Policies, and Books

How to Start and Operate a Non-Medical Home Care Business
A Quick Guide for Entrepreneurs
This book- How to Operate a Non-Medical Home Care Business serves as a step by step guide for entrepreneurs who want to start their own home care business.
Client Testimonials
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Благоприятен данъчен режим, който не е включен в "българския" черен списък, посочен в Министерско постановление от 4 май 1999 г., който активира обръщането на тежестта на доказване по отношение на действителното данъчно пребиваване на българските граждани
Възнагражденията, таксите за присъствие и други подобни възнаграждения, които резидент на България получава като член на Съвета на директорите или на Съвета на задължителните одитори на дружество, местно за България, се облагат само в България